Under cut or pull refers to when the top of the cut pile is longer than the bottom. This is usually caused by low clamp pressure. The knife will compress the material before it actually starts cutting through it. This can be corrected by adjusting the clamp pressure higher until the pile is cut straight. Draw usually occurs when clamp pressure is too high, resulting in the bottom of the pile longer than the top. The high pressures on the pile will put pressure on the back of the knife blade and push the blade out when it is cutting.

* This can be corrected by adjusting the clamp pressure lower until the pile cuts straight.

* With NCR paper and uneven piles it becomes necessary to build up the bottom of the clamp with chip board, felt or some other type of material which will help eliminate marking or slipping.

* Use double-faced tape to attach the material to the bottom of the clamp.

* If adjusting the clamp pressure doesn’t help, check your knife blade. A dull knife or a knife without the proper bevel ground on it can cause under-cut or draw.  Your cutters instruction manual should have information regarding knife blade care and Maintenance.