Introducing the TrueScore-Pro Digital Scoring System with innovative patent pending design. The Rosback TrueScore-Pro System is designed for scoring digitally printed stock and any material. No more outsourcing difficult scoring jobs. The TrueScore-Pro System is so simple to use even inexperienced operators will enjoy perfect crack-free results!
Models available for all Rosback TrueLine and 240 Series Perforators and most folding machines.
The upper head holds a color-coded male disc. Each colored disc is selected for a particular weight of stock. The lower head has various female groove widths. When the heads engage, the upper male disc gently stretches the fibers into the female grove, providing a deep, perfect score and crack free fold every time.
Using two standard TrueScore-Pro heads, the minimum line-line spacing is 1-inch. If less than 1-inch spacing is required, contact Rosback with your application description and we will provide a solution.
Kit includes:
- 1-Upper Male Head
- 1-Lower Female Head
- 1-Black Male Scoring Disk
- 1-Blue Male Scoring Disk
- 1-Red Male Scoring Disk
- 1-Allen Key for Heads