Proven Performance in a Durable Tabletop Shrink Tunnel
The Clamco Model 820 Shrink Tunnel is the choice for tough, dependable long-life performance in continuous production environments. When professional quality packaging is required for smaller production demands, choose the tabletop shrink tunnel that provides complete heating all around the package along with the same cool down safety controls as our larger tunnels. Constructed of heavy-gauge structural steel, the Clamco 820 features a variable-speed PTFE coated mesh belt conveyor, airflow heat transfer, and an automatic cool down timer. A unique advantage in a tabletop tunnel is a riser bar under the mesh belt which lifts the product momentarily for increased airflow from the bottom tunnel to enhance shrink packaging results. The 820 shrink tunnel combines advanced design precision with tough, time-proven features—expertly crafted by Clamco, the industry’s respected name for steadfast reliability and value in shrink packaging.