We designed the Microcut X-10 as a powerful and economic option for any size cutter. The X10 quickly and efficiently moves the backgauge into correct position more accurately than skilled manual operation. A full-color, 10” touch screen display guides the operator, with all operations presented in an intuitive, easy-tounderstand format. Setup is fast and simple, with no complicated codes to memorize or reference. The system frees the operator from the wasted time and risk of error associated with repetitive data entry. Its ability to automatically program a job while cutting the first lift turns setup time into production time, making automation effective for even two and three lift jobs. The entry and review of programs is quick and easy. Fractions, corrections, additions, or deletions can be easily entered through the keyboard. Non volatile memory insures data is never lost. Many paper cutters already have some form of automatic backgauge control, but may have become difficult and expensive, if not impossible, to maintain. These machines are generally sound mechanically and, with the addition of Microcut X-10, can quickly and easily be returned to a high level of productivity and reliability for a fraction of the cost of a new machine.
Unique Product Features:
- 12” wide format touch screen display
- Virtually unlimited memory capacity
- USB port for data exchange and software updates
- For all size paper cutters
Standard Features:
- 10” wide format touch screen display
- Over 400,000+ cut locations
- Linux® based operating system
- Graphic interface
- Modular, solid-state circuitry
- Microprocessor-controlled, infinitely variable backgauge drive
- Repeatability of backgauge position to +/-.002 inches (.05 mm)
- Measurements in inches, centimeters, millimeters
- Automatic backgauge return
- Operator-defined inch or metric display
- Program entry or correction, through the touch screen with the backgauge stationary or while cutting the lift
- USB port for data exchange and software updates
- UInsertion or deletion of commands from existing programs
- Automatic computation and entry of fractions
- UStock eject
- UNon-volatile memory—no batteries required for memory support
- Uptional auxiliary controls for front and side air tables
- USpeed range: 2 - 25 inches/seconds, both forward and reverse, depending on size and condition of cutter
- USelf-diagnostic electronics
- UElectrical: 85 - 265 VAC, 50/60 Hz @ 1 KVA
- Uarranted for one year from date of shipment against defects in parts and workmanship